Dear Diary
at school today we had people come to our school and preform. They done all types of cool things it was like we were at the circus, there were tigers and horses so much more but the best about the performance was when these people were doing gymnastics, this one girl could hold on to the hoop with the neck they were all so amazing. after the show had finished it was time for lunch my friends and i had a talk with our teacher about what we had to say for our presentation, i had chose to do a poster and write about humanity but my friends chose to write about the earth and what lives on it. When the bell went to go back into class my friends and i sat at the back of the class so we could talk about what we were doing tonight. Tonight was my best friends birthday we were planing it out all week there will be all sorts of fun things. After school all my friends came over to my house we went out for diner first then we went and done some shopping over all i had such a good time.
Monday, 18 November 2019
Monday, 11 November 2019
Te Rau Pou Manawa O KawaKawa
Te Rau Pou Manawa O KawaKawa
The past week we had been down in tainui to represent our school for te mana kuratahi if you didn't know what that is its a kapahaka commpotion when all of the schools that won in regional's come and compeat head to head to win or come in top 3. When it was our tern to go on stage we all were were scared and happy at the same time but we had gone on there and done our best.
Our scores were:
in the tira we came 10th, in the eke we came 5th, in the patere we came 15th, in the ringa we came 5th, in the poi we came 15th, in the haka we came 9th and we had came 15th in the watea. Over all we had came 33rd witch was good out of 61 groups.
here are some photos of our trip:
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
tuia writing
This week we had been writing and learning about first encounters with new Zealand. We had got given an object that was mentioned in one of the story I had worked in partners and it was really cool I recommend doing it.
Monday, 14 October 2019
My holiday
My holiday
last week for the hole week we had kapahaka if you didn't know already we have been training really hard for the Te Mana Kuratahi nationals in week 4. We had been at the school for 2 days and then we had gone to otiria marae it was an amazing experiences and we all had lots of fun I had also got moved to the front row it had been really hard working up to the expected of a font row but its been really fun and yeah.
Monday, 16 September 2019
Ski Camp
Ski Camp
Last week the year 8 and 7 went on ski camp.We had to be at school by 7:00 because we had to leave by 7:30, I had sat by my friend on the way down. it had taken us about 8-10 hours to get down there but we had some stops now and again for morning tea and lunch.The first thing that we done when we got down there was find out what rooms we were in, I was in a room with Satin, Carney and 1 mother. The next morning was time to go skiing we had an early morning wake up. when we had got down to the snow the first thing that we had to do was get into our groups it didn't take long for us so we were the first group to go get our boots and skis. After all the groups had got there skis we got a lesson on how to actually ski for beginners, the teacher that i was with was really nice and helpful her name was Ruby.This was my little recap on day 1 of camp here are some photos of us skiing and more things we had done:
Monday, 2 September 2019
Free Writing
Last weekend we had our netball break up. it was so much fun and we all had such a good time, we first had to meat up at the school for everyone to come I had been waiting there for about 5 minutes until we all got there. We had arrived at flip out earlier then we had planed so we were playing games for around 10 minutes.After flip out we went strait to the wave pools, my friend and I didn't go swimming so we went to go get pizza with our teacher. Over all the day was really fun and I will miss all the girls and boys.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Fun run
On Monday we had our fun run if you dont know what a fun run is its a cos country run but we have fun activity to go along we had also finished our fun run with a mud fight and a swim.
Friday, 23 August 2019
For the past 3 weeks our focus in class have been bees, our writing topic was also bees so I thought it would bee a good idea to share it with u today.Fun fact about bees is that One bee has to fly about 90,000 miles (three times around the globe) to make one pound of honey.
Monday, 12 August 2019
Free writing
This weekend we had our second to last netball game. It was so much fun and was one of our best games this season, the score of the game was 22-9 we had won and we have our last game this Friday and we also have our prize giving we might be sitting at 3rd place in our division. The people that won players of the day were Kingston and Maddie I think they really earned it.
Monday, 5 August 2019
Assembly (doctors office skit)
Last week on Friday we had our Assembly, it was really cool and my favorite item we had done was the doctors office skit it was really entertaining to watch and they were all good actors.
Friday, 2 August 2019
Weekly 3
Today in class we had to do weekly 3 if you don't know what weekly 3 is it's a maths slide that we have to do every Friday it's really fun and I recommend it.
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
student conference
For the past week we have been doing our student conference so I have chosen to share it on my blog. If you don't know what a student conference it's a conference that the student dose with there mum or dad they also have to tell them how they have been in school and extra.
Monday, 22 July 2019
My holiday
Today was the first day back at school after the holidays and it felt really weird being back even though I was here for a week of the holidays doing kapa haka. We had started class with the new things that had been added to school like the rubbish monsters and how were not allowed any drinks at school other than water and milk. I really hope that thins year will be fun and better than last year I cant wait till we go on all our coo trips.
My holiday: In the holidays i had so much fun but the best thing about it would have to be when i went to the movies to watch the lion king with my cousin, it was so cool and i enjoyed it a lot it was just like the animated movie but better. I only cried in 2 parts when Simba's dad died and when simba almost died :). over all i had such a cool holiday and cant wait for this term to be over.
My holiday: In the holidays i had so much fun but the best thing about it would have to be when i went to the movies to watch the lion king with my cousin, it was so cool and i enjoyed it a lot it was just like the animated movie but better. I only cried in 2 parts when Simba's dad died and when simba almost died :). over all i had such a cool holiday and cant wait for this term to be over.
Thursday, 4 July 2019
The past Friday I had participated in maromaku day, it was really fun and we had won all our games. I had also played in 2 teams witch was really fun but was hard at the same time, I had so much fun spending time with my friends playing netball and enjoying the bus ride to there and back. I had really enjoyed myself as it was the first time playing with my School when last year was different when I played with another team.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Free Writing
This week is our last week of term 2 and its been really fun but I will really miss my friends and my teachers even if I will be seeing them in the holiday for kapa haka. My most best thing about this term would probably be meeting new people and learning new things in math, I have also enjoyed playing in weekend netball and even if we weren't the best I still had fun with my friends
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Te Reo Maori
This week every Tuesday in Maori classes with one of our teachers we have been learning simple sentences in Te Reo, I had really enjoyed learning them and what they mean. I am still not confident with saying it in front of the class but I will get there soon.
Monday, 10 June 2019
Last weekend we had one of many netball games and we had sadly lost 8 to 15. I would have to say they were really good and they deserved to win, something I could improve on by our next game would be how to get in front of the other player and not to jump to early. Over all I think we played really good and we will win next time.
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Rocket challenge
This week in class we have been learning how to make a rocket out of different things such as bottles, ice cream lids and hot glue. we had to get into groups and make one, I had so much fun making it and working with my group I can't wait until we get to launch it.
Monday, 27 May 2019
The rocket challenge
This week and last week we had been learning about how to launch a rocket. My group and I were so excited to watch our rocket launch and learn about how it works. My teacher has put together a video off our class rocket and when they had got launched, something I have learnt from this experiences is that if it is windy or raining than you can't launch your rocket i have also learnt that when your are launching your rocket you can't go over 60psi.
Here is our video:
Here is our video:
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
This term i am in my school netball team called the pulse. so far into the season we have lost 2 games and have won 1, i play in GS (goal Shoot) and sometimes in GK (goal keep). in the game that we had won the score was 15 to 12 and after the game we all shook hands then we had to do player of the day, my name had got called out and my prize was a powerade and a chocolate bar. it was so much fun and we took photos after with our other group. 

Monday, 20 May 2019
Free Writing
This Friday we had our school fundraiser disco for Kapa Haka. It was so much fun meeting up with my friends and going crazy when dancing. all the food we had was so yummy and was gone so fast, we played so much fun games like spin the bottle, dance battles and much more. My favorite bit about it all would have to be when they put on a slow song from high school musical and my friends and I all started to slow dance together it was so much fun and I cant wait for all the up coming discos.
Monday, 13 May 2019
Free writing
Last week we had only a couple of days to get our Assembly ready, we were all so existed about what we had had to do. we all chose to do a carpool karaoke, so today i have chosen to share the video it was so much fun and funny doing it with my friends.Here it is:
Thursday, 9 May 2019
Walking with an Anzac
At the start of the term we had been looking at objects from the war and things they would send back to there loved ones such as letters and photos to them. In class we had to select one of them and i had chose a letter made by Samuel Atkinson, he had wrote it to his son to tell him about how his it was.
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Free writing
this weekend i went to tapeka beach. It was so much fun and i got to meet more of my cousins from my dads side. the first thing we done was set up the tent and get lunch ready than we dashed straight into the water and swam all the way out to the pontoon. we played a couple games than it was time for lunch. after lunch we all went to my uncles house and had a big boon fire, roasted marshmallows and set of some fireworks and we all stayed up late and went star gassing.
Monday, 29 April 2019
My holidays
during the holidays my mum, my cousins and i wen to the movies to watch the new avengers move that just came out called the end game. my favorite part off the movie was the end when all the avengers came together to fight for the plaint the love. i really enjoyed it and would recommend it if you have not seen it. the sad parts in the movie for me was when black widow sacrificed her life for everyone's life.
Monday, 1 April 2019
Free writing
Thursday 25 1918
Dear Diary
at school today we had people come to our school and preform. They done all types of cool things it was like we were at the circus, there were tigers and horses so much more but the best about the performance was when these people were doing gymnastics, this one girl could hold on to the hoop with the neck they were all so amazing. after the show had finished it was time for lunch my friends and i had a talk with our teacher about what we had to say for our presentation, i had chose to do a poster and write about humanity but my friends chose to write about the earth and what lives on it. When the bell went to go back into class my friends and i sat at the back of the class so we could talk about what we were doing tonight. Tonight was my best friends birthday we were planing it out all week there will be all sorts of fun things. After school all my friends came over to my house we went out for diner first then we went and done some shopping over all i had such a good time.
Dear Diary
at school today we had people come to our school and preform. They done all types of cool things it was like we were at the circus, there were tigers and horses so much more but the best about the performance was when these people were doing gymnastics, this one girl could hold on to the hoop with the neck they were all so amazing. after the show had finished it was time for lunch my friends and i had a talk with our teacher about what we had to say for our presentation, i had chose to do a poster and write about humanity but my friends chose to write about the earth and what lives on it. When the bell went to go back into class my friends and i sat at the back of the class so we could talk about what we were doing tonight. Tonight was my best friends birthday we were planing it out all week there will be all sorts of fun things. After school all my friends came over to my house we went out for diner first then we went and done some shopping over all i had such a good time.
Monday, 25 March 2019
Free writing
Wednesday 23 1918
Dear Diary
Today was so fun, our first period was maths. I had so much fun and i finished all my work, then we had to get into groups and share our work them explain how we got the answer. My friends and i were the first ones done so we got to go out to lunch first, our teacher asked us if we wanted to come into town with her to get our lunch early so we went. From town i got a glaze doughnut and a iced tea my friends got the same as me but a pink doughnut but the same drink. when we got back to school we had to run to English class because it was on the other side of the school when we made it the teacher sent us to the principals office and he said "these girls are late to class" the principal didn't really care all he said was "its all good just don't be late next time". It wasn't long after that when i found out my friends dad was the principal, we went back to class and the bell went to go home. Today was to fun and i cant wait till tomorrow.
Dear Diary
Today was so fun, our first period was maths. I had so much fun and i finished all my work, then we had to get into groups and share our work them explain how we got the answer. My friends and i were the first ones done so we got to go out to lunch first, our teacher asked us if we wanted to come into town with her to get our lunch early so we went. From town i got a glaze doughnut and a iced tea my friends got the same as me but a pink doughnut but the same drink. when we got back to school we had to run to English class because it was on the other side of the school when we made it the teacher sent us to the principals office and he said "these girls are late to class" the principal didn't really care all he said was "its all good just don't be late next time". It wasn't long after that when i found out my friends dad was the principal, we went back to class and the bell went to go home. Today was to fun and i cant wait till tomorrow.
Friday, 22 March 2019
Together we stand poem
This pas week something horrible took place in Christchurch. We have been thinking about them and have thought about the lost ones. i have write a poem about them. |
Monday, 18 March 2019
Free writing
Tuesday 22 1918
Dear diary
Today was my first day at school, i had so much fun and i got to meet so much people. my teacher welcomed me into the class with a joyful smile and said "please welcome our new student she has just moved from America". When the bell went it was time for lunch, i sat with a group of girls and we talked about what we done on the weekend. After we ate i asked if they wanted to go for a walk they all said yes so we went for a walk and played on the swing for a bit than we had to walk back because it was time for class. second period went fast and it was already time to go home my friends walked me home and one of my friends lived right next to me so we played for a little, then my mum told me to come back inside for diner so i said bye and went inside. school was so much fun i cant wait for tomorrow.
Thursday, 14 March 2019
chess piece
This week we have been looking at different ways to present our work. We had to go to and write a poem about an object, i chose to write about a chess piece and use all the words we had into a poem
Monday, 11 March 2019
Free writing
This term our focus for inquiry is about the women suffrage in new Zealand. apart of our topic is to ask questions to a important person in our life, we have been doing many projects on women suffrage in concluding searching about women and how they changed the world. we also had to write poems about invisible women and describe what they had on, what they were doing and were do we think they live.
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Kawa of care
This week we have been learning about the kawa of care. the kawa of care are rules on how to look after your Chromebooks. it teachers you how to be responsible. this was really fun to do and work with other people.
Inspirational quotes.
this week in class we have been doing inspirational quotes. i have chosen this quote because it was very inspirational and it inspired me to look foreword to the future and appreciate what i have.
Monday, 4 March 2019
Free writing week 6
This week we have been learning about women suffrage movement and how far women have come in the past years. We first had to write a poem about a unidentified women, we had to describe what she had on and if she was holding anything or sitting on anything. We had to write 5 facts about the women suffrage movement in partners, one fact that i learnt was New Zealand, and other European countries, women were excluded from any involvement in politics. Most people men and women accepted the idea that women were naturally suited for keeping the house clean and raising the children.
Monday, 25 February 2019
Free writing
On Monday mornings we get given 20 minutes of free writing to our blog so i chose to write about the first 4 weeks of school.
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